Sola Olulode (b. 1996, London) is a British Nigerian artist living and working in London. Presenting nuanced and tender visions of intimacy and community, Olulode’s wistful images are celebrations of Black identity, womanhood and non-binary people. Distinguished by their use of gestural brushwork, indigo dye, wax, oil bar, impasto and monochromatic schemes (typically in blue, green or yellow) the artist’s compositions speak strongly of her Nigerian heritage while centring the representation and visibility of Black Queer lived experiences. Recent exhibitions include Reverie, Dada Gallery, Lagos, 2023; To Be Held, Carl Freedman Gallery, Margate, 2023; Could You Be Love, Sapar Contemporary, New York, 2022; Summer Show #1, Ed Cross, London, 2022; Bold Black British, Christie’s, London, 2021; Stäying Alive, Berntson Bhattacharjee, Sweden, 2021; An Infinity of Traces, Lisson Gallery, London, 2021, and Blacklisted: An Indefinite Revolution, Alice Black, London, 2020.
Sola Olulode
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