Freya Tewelde

Freya Tewelde is an interdisciplinary artist based in London of Eritrean heritage. Tewelde uses a narrative of lost heritages and rituals as a point of departure. Looking at human relationships and how we navigate spaces, Tewelde integrates accepted cultural, spiritual, socio-economic systems and ideological viewpoints of the everyday. 


Tewelde’s practice is based on video performance, painting, sound and mixed media using archival photographs and language.

Recent exhibitions include Miami Art Week, Miami, 2022; Little Explosions, Bomb Factory Art Foundation, London, 2022; The Parable of the Seven, The Smallest Gallery in Soho, London, 2021; Reality and Disorder, Espacio Gallery, London, 2020; Rituals, The Room Contemporary Art Space, Venice, 2019, and The Great Islander, Jing Lu, Taipei, 2019. 


Re will feature Tewelde’s video work Suffocation as well as a one-off performance followed by an artist’s talk. More details to follow.