Abdulrazaq Awofeso, ‘Untitled’, Akube Remix Series, 2024
In Conversation: Abdulrazaq Awofeso and Rose Davey
Abdulrazaq Awofeso: ‘Akube Remix’ // October 31 - December 20Abdulrazaq Awofeso in conversation with artist and curator, Rose Davey, during Akube Remix at Ed Cross Gallery, London, December 2024
Abe Odedina, Madame Lasirenn, 2024
In Conversation: Abe Odedina and Lara Pawson
Abe Odedina at 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair London, 2024I like to leave in space in the painting for the observer because, for me, a painting can only be understood as something between my expression and your interpretation. I think that's important. Also, it's a static thing on the wall and somehow with the concreteness and the diagrammatic nature of the painting, it's important for me to allow the viewer to inhabit the painting themselves. I think it really makes the work bigger, in my opinion. If a work can be equally charming and disturbing, I'm thrilled.
Ermias Ekube, Examining Egg, 2020
Ed Cross on Ermias Ekube
"Painter, thinker, poet, educator"Ermias Ekube’s story is a tale of our times. An artist whose life has been shaped by political upheaval and military conflicts, his practice both responds to and is affected by and the brutalities of global history, yet is not defined by it. His is a story that is still very much being written.